Reproductive Health and Wellness
Violence against women and reproduction health among African women: The case of Bette women of Obudu in Cross River State, Nigeria
Violence against women (VAW) is continually recognized as a global health concern yet population based studies of its determinants and consequences remain scarce in less developed areas. This study was undertaken to fill this gap, the study covered four wards of the ten political wards in Obudu using system rand sampling to obtain respondents. Quantitative instruments (questionnaire) and methods (SPSS) were adopted to generate and analyze the data. The result showed prevalence of violence against women in the study area, common factors that enhance the perpetration of violence against women and it has very serious health consequences for women. The coping strategies included among others perseverance, learning to cope among other strategies. From the following some recommendations were given as panacea to solving these problems so highlighted.
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